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6. What is "Inrush Current"? What will we notice?
Add time:2017-06-30    Click:174
What is "Inrush Current"? What will we notice?

At input side, there will be (1/2 ~1 cycle, ex. 1/120 ~ 1/60 seconds for 60 Hz AC source) large pulse current (20~60A based on the design of switching power supply/adapter) at the moment of power on and then back to normal rating.
This "Inrush Current" will appear every time you turn on the power. Although it will not damage the power supply, we suggest not turning the power supply ON/OFF very quickly within a short time.
Besides, if there are several power supplies turning on at the same time, the dispatching system of AC source may shut off and go into protection mode because of the huge inrush current there. It is suggested that these power supplies start up one by one or use the remote control function of switching power supply/adapter to turn them on/off.